Thursday, April 1, 2010

We had such a great time on our cruise!!! Wake is so animated about everything that it made the time even better :) He loved the kids club and the beach. He liked snorkeling until something stung him and that was it for him!! His favorite part of the vacation was the "fancy dinners". Clay and I had chosen the late seating for dinner because we though the kids wouldn't be too interested and they could go to kids club while we had some alone time. The first full day on the ship was my birthday so we all went to dinner. We had to drag Jonas away from the friends he had already made and Reed was pretty sleepy and ambivalent about dinner. Wake was in HEAVEN!!!! The waiter brought him a kids menu and he said, "No thanks! I'm havin' what they're havin'!" He ended up going with us every night but one. That night there was a late night party in his kids club and he didn't want to miss the "dance". You would not believe the things he tried (and liked) at dinner. He ate roasted duck breast (which he embarrassingly ordered as "roasted duck boobs"), lobster, calamari, shrimp cocktail, scallops, and so many other things. One night they had baked Alaska and I asked him if he wanted to get it to share. He said, "Get your own!" Each night the waiter would bring him a Roy Rogers when he brought out our wine. He also got up and danced with the waiters every night. It was awesome!!! I love how Wake enjoys life! I sometimes worry about his impulsiveness but I also realize that without it he would miss out on so many wonder full moments! He doesn't stop to calculate what others are going to think or what might happen if.... He truly enjoys life. I know their will be consequences to pay at times but I am so grateful that God put this sweet gift in my life. God is teaching me through Wake that life doesn't have to taken in perfectly planned steps, but sometimes in blind leaps. I am so lucky to be his mommy!!